ciotola per gatti

Cat dehydration: symptoms and remedies

Disidratazione gatto

Does your cat drink little even in the scorching summer heat and does this worry you? Perhaps it will be useful for you to know that many cat breeds originate from arid areas, where water was quite scarce. Over time the cat became resistant to the lack of water and absorbed it mainly from food. To date, however, the domestic cat, in the majority of cases, feeds on dry food, cat dehydration , especially in the hottest periods, is one of the main problems it can encounter.

In this article you will find all the information on how to understand if your cat is dehydrated and what to do to encourage him to drink greater quantities of water, especially in warmer periods.

In this article…

What is meant by the term dehydration?

Dehydration is a physical condition that depends on an imbalance between the amount of fluids you take in and the amount your body releases . Maintaining a good level of hydration is essential for many vital functions in cats, including: the regulation of body temperature, the digestion of food, the lubrication of joints and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the organs.

The symptoms of dehydration can vary: for example, by gently pinching the scruff of the neck , the skin may remain raised for longer than normal , another symptom could be constipation or the presence of cold and poorly toned pads of the paws , physical weakness and decreased of appetite .

Being aware of these risks and knowing the symptoms of dehydration is very important to prevent much more serious problems for your four-legged friend.

What to do if the cat is dehydrated?

As in all cases where health problems are suspected in our animals, the advice is to contact your trusted veterinarian. A specialized doctor is the most suitable figure to make diagnoses and give advice. It is not necessary to force the cat to drink water, this could aggravate the situation even more.

Place multiple bowls in different places around the house
Often the cat is not encouraged to drink because it cannot easily reach the bowl, placing several in different parts of the house can help it drink more easily.
Furthermore, cats are naturally very fussy, which is why steel cat bowls are recommended because they are more hygienic, easy to clean and do not retain odors that could drive the animal away. For the same reason it is advisable to keep the bowls away from the litter box.

Season the water
When the cat does not drink willingly, it could be useful to enrich the water with meat or fish broths to make it more inviting and tasty , this will encourage him to drink a greater quantity of liquids during the day

Beware of threats
Another tip is to check that there are no threats or other hostile animals that will not allow him to approach the bowl, this could scare him and prevent him from drinking.

Prefer foods rich in liquid
Domestic cats feed mainly on dry food, such as kibble, which could be diluted with a little hot water, or use our Vibrisse Shake as a complementary food, created specifically to increase the amount of liquid ingested by our feline friend.

Use a cat fountain
This tool guarantees fresh and clean water throughout the day , furthermore some cats prefer running water rather than static water from the bowl, in this way the cat will be stimulated to drink, keeping itself hydrated and promoting the overall health of the body.

Photo by @thebengalalex

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