Forasacchi dog and cat: what they are, what the symptoms are and how to prevent them

Forasacchi cane e gatto: cosa sono, quali sono i sintomi e come prevenirli

With the arrival of spring, the days are getting longer and the good weather makes it possible to take frequent walks outdoors with your puppy.

The hot season, in fact, increases the desire to take long walks in the greenery and flowery fields, but spring hides dangers that perhaps not everyone knows about: forasacchi , a real problem for both dogs and cats.

In this article, if you don't know them, you will find a brief explanation of what they are, what the symptoms are to recognize them and how to protect your pet from this problem.

What are bag punchers?

Forasacchi, also called ariste , are small pointed ears belonging to some types of grasses which, once dry, easily detach from the stem. Forasacchi are very common both in the countryside and in the city, but also in the grassy areas on the sides of the road.

These small "arrow"-shaped ears easily get stuck in the fur of animals, which, by moving continuously, can facilitate their penetration into the skin, eyes, ears and nostrils, even affecting the internal organs, as they could also be inhaled or ingested.

They represent a threat especially for long-haired dogs, in fact, once they get stuck in the coat it can become difficult to identify them and remove them in time, but this does not mean that the problem should be underestimated if you have short-haired animals, it is always a good idea to check after each stroll.

Forasacchi dog and cat: symptoms

Once they have entered the skin, forasacchi can lead to more or less serious infections which can manifest themselves with different symptoms depending on the affected area. In general it manifests itself through redness and itching which can degenerate into pus, edema, swelling and pain.

The areas where forasacchi can enter are:

Throat : in this case the obvious symptoms will be sudden strong coughing fits, which can also cause small blood loss from the mouth

Nose : continuous sneezing even for several minutes

Ears : tends to keep the head tilted towards the painful side and continues to scratch, they can cause ear infections and perforate the eardrum

Eyes : redness and swelling combined with intense tearing leading to severe conjunctivitis

Paws : can cause severe pain in the paw caused by abscesses and fistulas located between the toes which can make it limp

How to protect it from punctures

Unlike mosquitoes and parasites , there are no repellent products and lotions that prevent mosquitoes from coming into contact with the animal. But there are some very useful measures that could protect it:

  • Avoid areas with tall grass, but be careful because all areas with dirt, flowerbeds but also sidewalks.
  • Brush and check your dog or cat's fur well after each walk using specific grooming tools, especially if they have long hair. Forasacchi sting and can be felt if touched.
  • Do not underestimate any symptom, intervene immediately in the presence of suspicious symptoms.

If you are afraid that your puppy has come into contact with forasacchi it is always advisable to contact your trusted veterinarian , it is essential to intervene with the right timing to avoid surgical intervention.

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